A World Worth Saving – George Hovaness Donigian
God thinks the world is worth saving. When we are close to God, we too will want to save the world.
For anyone who dismisses Lent as a seemingly endless time of self-sacrifice and introspection, this 6-week study for Lent offers a breath of fresh air. It connects prayer and other inner spiritual practices with outward actions of mercy and compassion.
George Donigian guides you to grow in your prayer life by praying about daily news reports, discovering the needs around you, and responding with love and compassion. You will discover ways to:
- serve others
- feed the hungry
- seek justice and fight injustice
- offer healing
- extend friendship
The author’s conversational style and use of well-known hymn texts will engage you in this energizing Lenten study. This book includes exercises for spiritual growth, questions for reflection, and a Leader’s Guide for small groups
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