Made to Move

“Made to Move” is a 6 week study designed to help people of all ages experience God with heart, soul, mind and spirit through activities that engage the body and its senses as well as the mind and its imagination.


Made to Move by Wendy LeBolt

Jesus affirmed that the greatest purpose of our lives is to love God. But how do we express love to a God we can’t see or touch?

Each of us has a body, and our bodies and senses provide tangible ways for us to know and love God. Author Wendy LeBolt writes, “We are made to move in God’s direction, by God’s initiative, and at God’s pace. Our bodies will speak to us if we listen. Our bodies will teach us if we pay attention.”

Made to Move is a 6-week study designed to help people of all ages experience God through heart, soul, mind, strength, and stretch, using activities that engage the body and its senses, as well as the mind, including its imagination. Through daily prayer, scripture reading, reflection, and activities, individuals and groups will discover the masterpiece God created and is continuously crafting in their lives.

Made to Move can be used by individuals and groups, including intergenerational groups. Includes a Leader’s Guide.


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