Provocative Grace

Provocative Grace focuses on the words of Jesus, not as rules to live by but as challenges to help us grow into greater maturity. Morris asks us to enlarge our existing concepts and stretch our beliefs about Jesus beyond the borders of formal Christianity and what we learned in Sunday school.


Provocative Grace by Robert C Morris

A restless search is on.

Cover stories about the “real” Jesus are on the increase in news magazines, best sellers based on alternative Gospels, and documentaries. Whether you’re a devout Christian, an inquiring seeker or a rank skeptic, this book is for you if you wish to explore the teaching of Jesus.

Provocative Grace focuses on the words of Jesus, not as rules to live by but as challenges to precipitate growth into greater maturity. Morris asks us to enlarge our existing concepts and to stretch our beliefs about Jesus beyond the borders of formal Christianity and what we learned in Sunday school.

“The Jesus of the Gospels, in all his modes of encountering people—as prophet, healer, wisdom teacher, mystic, social critic, and nonviolent revolutionary—is a disturber of our immaturities, one who challenges us to find and use our strengths,” writes Morris. “Jesus was neither a rule maker or idealist but a provocateur. Rather than impossible ideals imposed upon us, his sayings are proddings to grow step-by-step, by trial-and-error learning, into the best possibilities of our nature.”

Listen to Jesus’ words not with an attitude of uncritical acceptance or blind faith but rather with an openness to hear the message in a fresh way. Provocative Grace dares us to wrestle with Jesus’ sayings and to experience a vivid revelation of God’s love and grace.

Each chapter helpfully arranges the book so that it may be an aid to personal reflection, journaling, or discussion.


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